Muslim weddings are usually long celebrations dependant on where you are they an last anywhere from three days to several weeks. Sometimes wedding celebrations can even last as long as three months. While the actual wedding ceremony itself is usually short there are a lot of traditions and customs which need to be followed. Muslims view marriage as an important life step and because of this find excellent ways to truly celebrate. Muslim customs and beliefs as well as traditions are different for different areas of the world. Some are more traditional, others more westernized and others have adapted the native traditions of the area with the traditions of the Muslim faith to create a style unique to the area and people. This is no better exemplified than in Muslim wedding dress.
Bridal Salwar Kameez are made usually from silk and brocade these are usually heavily embroidered with zardosi or zari work. Zardosi embroidery uses gold thread and is usually reserved for bridal suits. Colors which should be worn are rust brown, or shades of reds and yellow since traditionally these colors a considered to be lucky colors. You will usually find this style of Muslim wedding dress in areas like India and Pakastan.
In Malasia the Muslim wedding dress is made of Songket the most expensive and finest fabric in Malaysia. Both the bride and the groom where outfits made of this fabric. They usually richly embroidered. Malaysian Muslim wedding dress usually consists of two parts a skirt and jacket shirt top and well as some sort of head covering either a western style veil or a more traditional Muslim head covering. The skirt is usually a tight wrap around style and is also either a brocade or contains a wealth of embroidery in complex designs.
Algerian Muslim wedding dress is usually made of fine fabrics. It is a long robe like dress made of several layers and of course traditionally includes a headdress to cover the bride's head.The underlaying robe can be solid or made of a patterned material. While the outer robe is usually loose and made of a plain solid usually dark color. It also usually has some sort of fringe on the sleeves. Like all Muslim wedding dress or dress in general it is geared to modestly cover the woman's skin from view.
Bangladesh Muslim wedding dress consists of a sari while Bulgarian Muslim wedding dresses are similar to Bulgarian style clothing though they do include a veil of beads not normally seen as part of a Muslim wedding dress. Egyptian wedding dress is a white dress with a white mantilla.
There is one area of Ethiopia where Muslim religion holds true. In this city Muslim wedding dress is dark rich colors like blues and purples. Richly embroidered with cold thread. There is a dark head covering or shawl also richly embroidered that completes the outfit. Different from most Muslim wedding dress these dresses are full skirted.
In Indonesia you will find that Muslim wedding dress is really no different from traditional Indonesian style clothing. Though the fabrics will be of better quality and are usually white, with white decorations. In Java Muslim wedding dress consists of a long jacket like top and pants along with a a crown of jasmine which is an area tradition.
Abaya's are also traditional as Muslim wedding dress. They usually consist of two pieces a abaya made of a crepe like fabric which sits under a 2 layer over abaya of chiffon. Usually they come with two shaylas one white, one off white and are floor length.
Arab Muslim wedding dress styles usually consist of heavy robes with rich embroidery. Depending on the Arab nation you are looking at the style of robe and the style of embroidery changes. These robes are usually floor length, long sleeved and dark in color. The embroidery comes in several different colors and is not limited to gold or white as you see on some traditional Muslim wedding dress.
No matter where you go you will find a variety of different types of Muslim wedding dress. Depending on how traditional the couple getting married they may even opt for western style dress for their wedding. Muslim wedding dress styles and Muslim wedding customs are diverse and show the regional variances as well as the difference in belief structure.
However,one thing remains completely the same. Muslim wedding dress is full of fine fabrics, like silk, chiffon and lace are common. Also you will find heavily brocaded fabrics and dresses full of embroidery and elegant beaded designs. Depending on where you are you might find Muslim wedding dresses in all white or shades of white. There are also dark Muslim wedding dress, and vibrant colors such as rust browns, yellows, and reds.